List of Errors and Remedies

List of Errors and Remedies

This page is dedicated to any and all possible errors or warnings that users might encounter while performing DME functions. If you see something that is not listed in this list and have questions, never hesitate to reach out to our technical support directly.


Home Page







Power Supply

Not PD Compliant

Use different Power Supply



Use different Power Supply




Server Connection

Currently Not Used





WiFi Connection

Weak Connection

Get closer to the M-Link




DME Connection

Not Supported

Trying to flash not supported unit.



Please check the 2 DME plugs and try again.

My Flash Tune Says Not Unlocked After MLink has completed unlock process

Flash Tuner says not unlocked after MLink unlock states completed

Your DME is in fact unlocked. Several leading flash tunes are running older software that do not detect the MLink unlock. You may proceed with your engine flash, your DME is unlocked

License Permission

Purchase Required

M-Link is locked to a different vehicle. Please purchase a transfer license and upload it on the license tab.